Kardec Group

Kardec Group

Spiritist Society of Windsor & Maidenhead | Spiritist Society of Bicester

SPIRITISMx 2025: The Legacy of Women Who Continue to Inspire

Join us in Oxford, UK, on Saturday 28th June for our seminar of short talks, looking at the enduring legacy of inspirational women who have left their mark on Spiritism and society. Ticket and hotel...
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About us

About Kardec Group Kardec Group is a Spiritist charity registered with the Charity Commission for England and Wales, registration number 1200072. Kardec Group is comprised of the Spiritist Society of Windsor and Maidenhead, and the Spiritist Society of...
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SPIRITISMx – Spiritist Seminars

SPIRITISMx – Spiritist Seminars The SPIRITISMx Spiritist Seminars provide short and insightful lectures that help us reflect on our spirituality and personal development, looking at various topics from within the view of the Spiritist teachings....
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Spiritist Groups in the UK

Spiritist Groups and Societies in the UK Please note: we are in the process of updating information on this page.Please contact each group for their current information. Quick links London– North East London– East London–...
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Kardec Group

£5 a month can go a long way. Donate now to help others.

Kardec Group is non-profit charity organisation comprised of the Spiritist Society of Windsor and Maidenhead, and the Spiritist Society of Bicester.

We are dedicated to studying Spiritism, the Spiritualist Philosophy compiled by Allan Kardec.

Kardec Group organises the SPIRITISMx seminars, produces the Insightfully Speaking podcast, and runs fundraising campaigns for multiple causes.

Spiritism is a Science and Philosophy, which brings light and understanding to life and morality. Spiritism does not impose its principles on others and respects all religions, faiths and backgrounds.

Everyone is welcome to join our studies, no matter where they are in the world.

Follow Kardec Group on Facebook, Instagram and YouTube. Contact us by email or WhatsApp.

Kardec Group is registered by the Charity Commission for England and Wales with charity number: 1200072